privacy notice

Company details

Le site est produit par l’entreprise Cadillac Barber.

Address: 8 Av. Pierre-Gilles de Gennes 81000 ALBI
Tél : +33 6 44 18 26 00
Mail :

Identification number: 88780992900011
APE Code: 9602AB
Intra-Community VAT number: FR 70905066635


BiOui Communication
1 Boulevard Carnot MBE 310 - 81000 ALBI

Telephone: 06 30 86 85 90

Publication Director: Simon ALIBERT


Simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 214 410.50 euros

SIREN: 433 115 904 RCS Paris

Terms and conditions of use

Le site accessible par l’url suivante : est exploité dans le respect de la législation française. L’utilisation de ce site est régie par les présentes conditions générales.

By using the site, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted these conditions. They may be modified at any time and without notice by Cadillac Barber.

Cadillac Barber can in no way be held responsible for any misuse of the service.

Terms and conditions of use

Le site accessible par l’url suivante : est exploité dans le respect de la législation française. L’utilisation de ce site est régie par les présentes conditions générales.

By using the site, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted these conditions. They may be modified at any time and without notice by Cadillac Barber.

Cadillac Barber can in no way be held responsible for any misuse of the service.

Your personal information

Everyone has the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning him/her (article 34 of the French law "Informatique et Libertés" of 6 January 1978).

Pour exercer ce droit d’accès, vous pouvez vous adresser à : 8 Av. Pierre-Gilles de Gennes 81000 ALBI ou à

For more information on the "Informatique et Libertés" law, please consult the CNIL website.

Limitation of liability

The information contained on this site is as accurate as possible and is updated regularly, but may contain inaccuracies, omissions or gaps. If you notice a gap, an error or what appears to be a malfunction, please notify us by e-mail, describing the problem as precisely as possible (page causing the problem, triggering action, type of computer and browser used, etc.).

Any content downloaded is done at the user's own risk and under his sole responsibility. Consequently, Cadillac Barber cannot be held responsible for any damage to the user's computer or loss of data resulting from the download.

The photos are not contractual.

The user undertakes not to transmit on this site any information that could give rise to civil or criminal liability and undertakes not to disseminate, via this site, information that is illegal, contrary to public order or defamatory.

Hypertext links

External sites with a hypertext link to this site are not under the control of Cadillac Barber, which therefore declines all responsibility for their content. The user is solely responsible for their use. The creation of hypertext links to the Cadillac Barber website is subject to the prior agreement of Cadillac Barber.

Links to the Cadillac Barber website may not be opened within a frame ("framing").

Cadillac Barber cannot be held responsible for hypertext links established on this website to other Internet resources.

Copyright/intellectual property rights

All content on this site, including but not limited to graphics, images, texts, videos, animations, sounds, logos, gifs and icons, as well as their layout, are the exclusive property of Cadillac Barber, with the exception of brands, logos or content belonging to other partner companies or authors.

Any reproduction, distribution, modification, adaptation, retransmission or publication, even in part, of these different elements is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Cadillac Barber. This representation or reproduction, by any means whatsoever, constitutes an infringement punishable under articles L.3335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement that may result in civil and criminal liability for the infringer. In addition, the owners of the copied Content may take legal action against you.

Cadillac Barber is the identical holder of the "rights of database producers" referred to in Book III, Title IV of the Intellectual Property Code (law no. 98-536 of 1 July 1998) relating to copyright and databases.

Pour toute demande d’autorisation ou d’information, veuillez nous contacter par email : Des conditions spécifiques sont prévues pour la presse.


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This site uses cookies for the sole purpose of obtaining browsing statistics, excluding any personal tracking.

Contacting us

Cadillac Barber est à votre disposition pour tous vos commentaires ou suggestions. Vous pouvez nous écrire en français ou anglais par courrier électronique à :